16-19 Study Programme


The new 16-19 Study Programme is very similar to Humber Learning Consortium’s (HLC) previous Traineeship programme, which was ended by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in July 2023.

The Study Programmes are designed to help young people, aged 16 to 18, living in the Hull area, to find an apprenticeship or a job by helping them to obtain the appropriate skills and experience to progress into work. They aim to support motivated individuals into paid employment or an apprenticeship within six months of completing the programme. 

Each one of HLC’s Study Programmes consist of a high-quality work experience placement with an employer and the opportunity to gain qualifications in Maths and English (for those who have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4 or equivalent too), alongside accredited vocational skills courses if required. A built-in work preparation element also helps a young person develop the skills needed to find and secure employment including, team building skills, interview techniques and how to complete online applications.

The programmes are flexible and typically last two-six months. HLC currently work with  3 delivery partners across Hull. For more information please contact the relevant provider.

Goodwin Development Trust
Goodwin Community Hub, Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 2LL


Telephone: 01482 587550
Email: info@goodwintrust.org

Unity in Community
372 Greenwood Ave, Hull, HU6 8AP


Telephone: 01482 852292
Email: info@unityincommunity.org.uk

Brown Sugar Salons & Training
57 Clarence Street, Hull, HU9 1DH

Courses: Hair and beauty.

Financial support

If you are enrolled on a HLC funded Study Programme and require financial support to attend, you may be eligible to apply for a bursary.

Support could be provided in the form of travel expenses, meals, or equipment required to study.

For more information on the bursary, including eligibility criteria, please download the following information booklet.

If you require further information or wish to apply, please contact your training provider who will be happy to assist.

16-19 bursary information for learners, parents and guardians

Ofsted success

Humber Learning Consortium has yet again been awarded the status of a “Good” independent learning provider, following an Ofsted inspection in June 2022. This follows the same result from Ofsted in 2020, 2015 and 2012.

Whilst the Ofsted inspection focused on the Traineeship provision, all of HLC’s programmes are delivered following similar principles, so many of the themes noted within the report are reflected in all of our programmes and the impact that our provision has on learners overall. 

For more information and to see the report please visit our Ofsted page

Contract manager

Phil Thames

Telephone: 01482 327438

For funding enquiries please visit the What’s happening page.

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