Equality & Diversity

Humber Learning Consortium is committed to a policy of equality and diversity which promotes and ensures just and fair treatment for all. The aim is to maintain a positive working and learning environment which creates mutual respect and dignity and enables everyone to realise their full potential.  We recognise our responsibilities and legal obligations under all current acts of law, and in particular, the Public Sector Equality Duty.

HLC have an absolute commitment to meet the following general duties:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Eliminate harassment; victimisation and bullying
  • Other conduct prohibited by the Act
  • Advance and promote equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Promote respect between HLC, partners and service users
  • Monitor progress towards key objectives, including monitoring representation and performance of different groups of participants
  • Provide a positive, safe environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Ensure that responsibilities are understood by HLC staff, partners and service users

HLC will endeavour to ensure that all forms of prejudice, discrimination (direct and indirect), harassment and victimisation will be challenged and addressed in a culture of mutual acceptance and respect.

HLC will strive pro-actively to achieve a model of good equality and diversity practice for partners and service users within the local and wider community.  Where appropriate, HLC will strive to take positive action to address and counter the disadvantage and discrimination suffered by sections of the community whether based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership race (which includes colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation, as well as pregnancy and maternity – referred to as protected characteristics throughout this document.

The ethos of HLC is one of positive participation by all, the setting of standards of citizenship and a zero tolerance level in incidents relating to equality and diversity.

All members of HLC and the community are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity in an environment in which a diversity of backgrounds and experience is recognised and valued.


Click icon to download policy.

Equality & Diversity Policy v1.0

Disability Confident

The Humber Learning Consortium is recognised as a Disability Confident Leader.

Disability Confident is a government scheme that supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace.

When your organisation signs up to become ‘Disability Confident Committed’, the scheme will provide advice and guidance to help you think differently about disability, and improve how you attract, recruit and retain disabled workers. The Disability Confident scheme replaced the previous Two Ticks scheme.

Not only does signing up to the Disability Confident scheme help you to think about how you might make your workplace more accessible, it also demonstrates to your staff that you are committed to equality in the workplace, which is a good way to encourage employees to talk about disabilities that are often non-visible, including hearing loss. 

The scheme also aims to help you:

  • draw from the widest possible pool of talent 
  • secure high-quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard-working
  • improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating that you treat all employees fairly.

As well as visiting the Disability Confident website, you can find out more about the scheme by contacting your local Jobcentre. The Jobcentre can support you in your application for Disability Confident and advise you on the steps you can take as an employer to qualify.

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