Tackling Modern Slavery
As a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), HLC is not currently required to produce a modern slavery statement (Modern Slavery Act 2015: Section 54). However, we are fully committed to preventing modern slavery in learning settings, workplaces, and throughout our delivery partner supply chain. To that end we will endeavour to work towards similar principles, thresholds, and actions that are expected of ‘relevant organisations’ under the Act.
Therefore, HLC will work towards:
- Assessing contracts and learning programmes by identifying the level of risk, e.g., vulnerability of beneficiary groups, type of delivery activity, and delivery partner location.
- Designing delivery partner contracts and contract specifications proportionately in line with assessed risk, using Social Value principles as our guide.
- Working collaboratively with our delivery partners to assess modern slavery risks, putting in place action plans and contract management processes that mitigate identified risks.
- Embedding modern slavery risk assessments within our existing performance and quality management processes.
- Providing training on modern slavery to HLC and delivery partner staff, to raise awareness and help staff/volunteers to identify and respond correctly to incidences of modern slavery.
What Happens When A Modern Slavery Victim Is Identified?
Where a victim of modern slavery has been identified we will involve law enforcement agencies. We will work collaboratively with our delivery partners to address instances of modern slavery and use HLC’s safeguarding procedures to alert, record, and review cases.