Exploring Employment Hull is a community focussed skills and employment programme, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It is aimed at economically inactive and unemployed adults and young people (aged 16+ years) living in Hull. The programme aims to progress beneficiaries into employment or further learning by providing a support package, e.g., debt advice, mental health issues, personal development, social activities, employability skills, volunteering, work experience, ESOL, ICT/digital skills, literacy and numeracy support, occupational specific qualifications, and job search.
Each beneficiary receives support from a named keyworker and a personalised programme that meets their needs. The service is delivered by local voluntary and community partner organisations across the city of Hull – it is free of charge for the beneficiary. Although there is no set time limit for support on the programme, most beneficiaries are expected to complete and/or progress within 6 months
- Humber Learning Consortium is the lead partner for Exploring Employment Hull.
- Hull City Council is the accountable body for the UKSPF funding which supports Exploring Employment Hull.
- Programme delivery partners: City Health Care Partnership, Giroscope, Goodwin Development Trust, Hull & East Riding CAB, Probe (Hull) Ltd, Vulcan, Unity in Community, The Warren and the Education Development Trust (EDT delivers the National Careers Service support service)
- Key support includes:
- Employability and personal and social development programmes, dedicated youth and adult offers, with work experience and targeted advice and guidance
- Mental health and well-being support and counselling
- Debt advice and counselling
- Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) providing paid work experience places with an employer and industry-specific training and skills
- Geographic coverage: all wards in Hull
- Beneficiary eligibility: Age 16+, economically inactive or unemployed, resident in Hull, must be eligible to receive UK public funds.
- Exploring Employment Hull is currently funded until March 2025.
- For more details contact HLC Exploring Employment Team on (01482) 327438
Direct referrals to the Exploring Opportunities Hull partners (outline geographical coverage):
- Giroscope (West Hull & Central) 01482 576374
- Goodwin Development Trust (West Hull & Central) 01482 337999
- Probe (East Hull) 01482 705918
- Vulcan (West Hull & Central) – 01482 229230
- Unity in Community (North Hull) 01482 852292
- The Warren (city-wide / specific young people focus) 01482 219357
- Education Development Trust (Bransholme) – chawkings@edt.org