The new QUIP microsite

The QUIP microsite has now moved location. 

If you had access to the old QUIP site you should have received an email from Microsoft sharing a site called ‘Quality In Partnership’. Please check your spam/junk folder.

If you have a Microsoft email account you will need to logon to the new website with your own email address and the password you usually use – please contact your own ICT support if you are unsure if your account is with Microsoft.

If you do not have a Microsoft email account you will be required to setup an account using your own email address as the username. Follow the setup process before continuing https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/4026324/microsoft-account-how-to-create

HLC will verify your email address before you can access the QUIP site.

If you have never had access and would like to please email office@hlc-vol.org, we will need to verify your organisation is currently receiving HLC funding before you can be given access.

Please follow the new QUIP site link if you have already completed the setup process.

Bookmarking the new QUIP microsite

It may be handy to bookmark the new QUIP microsite to your browser for quick and easy access. For more details on how to do this please click on the links below:

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